Saturday 18 June 2011

Stage crew part 2!

Hey guys!

Now that I'm able to connect to the internet, I shall tell you guys about my progress.

For the first 2 days, nothing much to do. In fact, on the first day all the stage crew members had almost nothing to do except watch the cast members rehearse their lines. But the second day we had to some stuff. Most of the time, we would be taking props around the stage and collect others from the store room and, surprisingly enough, from the school garden and trees. We needed some leaves, so we "stole" some from the nearby trees.

I'm glad both of us share the same birthday.
This goes to the millions of people who are celebrating their birthday on 18 June!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Stage crew!!

Hey guys,

Well, I managed to become part of the stage crew for a musical production in school!! XD
Anyways, that might mean that I will be posting more often about what happens over here. MAYBE, not confirmed yet. But if I don't, that's ok, I will still be posting some occasional stuff.

Very short post for today and this week.

See ya!